31 July 2011

Around the Neighbourhood: Laura Secord School, The Bellcrest, Wolseley-Lenore Park, Wolseley School

Laura Secord School, Wolseley Avenue and Lenore Street

The Bellcrest, Lenore Street and Wolseley Avenue
Wolseley-Lenore Park, Wolseley Avenue and Lenore Street

Wolseley School, Clifton Street

27 July 2011

My Parents House

A few weeks back I was at my parents house with my camera and felt compelled to snap a few shots of things that, as I can recall, haven't really changed in any fundamental way for a long, long time. It was maybe in response to all of the changes I've seen in Winnipeg. It's sometimes nice when things actually do stay the same. 

02 July 2011

Kildonan Christian Reformed Church (Once)

It's been a while since I've posted any photos . . . things have been very busy, but they're normalizing.

Window to sanctuary

Front stairs

Stairwell to balcony

Former Kildonan CRC This is the church that I spent the first 13 years of my life attending. It shares its grounds with Calvin Christian School. The building hasn't really changed since I can remember. When I was a kid we used to hide out under those stairs after the church service, finding things under there that we didn't yet understand. Now I believe a Baptist church rents the building.